PRISM's Portfolio Optimization application empowers users to create or optimize portfolios based on different investment management strategies.
By leveraging Uptick's proprietary optimization models, users can measure portfolio risk and make informed adjustments to align their portfolios with their risk and return objectives.
Optimize your portfolio using advanced investment management strategies to maximize returns and minimize risk. Choose from various models, including maximizing Sharpe Ratio and minimizing volatility.
By leveraging Uptick's proprietary optimization models, users can measure portfolio risk and make informed adjustments to align their portfolios with their risk and return objectives.
Stay close to market action with automated alerts on technical breakouts, price changes, and social media activity. Get real-time notifications tailored to your portfolio across web, mobile, and desktop platforms.
Configure automated alerts on technical indicator changes, social media sentiment, coin mentions, and price movements, users can stay informed about market dynamics without the need to manually monitor every development.
Aggregate portfolio holdings from multiple exchanges, wallet providers, and blockchains for comprehensive portfolio and risk management. Connect with popular platforms for seamless data access.
PRISM’s comprehensive integration facilitates efficient portfolio management, real-time data access, and streamlined transaction processing, allowing users to manage their digital assets more effectively and securely.